Your First Visit: The Fertility Solution

For more information, See Chapter 2 in The Fertility Solution

Prior to resorting to drugs or fertility procedures, our laboratory performs comprehensive microbiological evaluations of both male and female genital canals. The screening process takes place during the first office visit following detailed history-taking and a thorough physical examination of both partners. The seminal fluid, a urethral swab, the vaginal secretion, the cervical swab and an endometrial biopsy are cultured for mycoplasma, Chlamydia trachomatis, yeast-like organisms as well as aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. During the same visit, blood is taken from both partners for antisperm antibody determination. No further treatment or procedure is suggested until after the results of these culture studies and the results of the antisperm antibody determination are received. These tests are performed in our state licensed laboratory under precise quality control conditions.

Many years of working with abnormal bacteria have given us an expertise in working with infectious diseases of the genital canal. Our recommendation of antibiotic therapy is based on the role these contaminants play in infertility or miscarriages. Due to the stubborn nature of genital-tract contamination with certain bacteria, our recommended therapy regimens can include oral antibiotic therapy for a five to six week duration or broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics administered through an ambulatory pump system for ten days.

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